Thursday, June 21, 2012


Remember the last time you were upstairs. Sitting there. Waiting there. Watching there. At whatever was ‘downstairs’. Higher up than everyone else being able to see down and watch over. What about those who are upstairs physically, emotionally and spiritually; birds physically spend the majority of their life upstairs, imagine the beauty they see in their life time. Emotionally upstairs, we all have our highs and lows in life but we all know that there is nothing like the feeling of just being up. Spiritually a lot of us rely on who and what is upstairs for what ever the reason may be.

Sitting at the top of the stairs is an innocent time of vulnerability. A time when we weren’t worried or maybe we were. But at the end of the day we are unsure of the emotion that the future will bring.

Don’t be afraid to sit on top of the stairs and just listen.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Jump. Jive. Jaded.

Are we familiar with being jaded? Or possibly do we disguise the feeling? This sensation may root from something that controls our lives. Some routines and habits we have chosen to place into our daily lives and others we don’t have the power to choose. Is it possible that what is making us feel jaded is something that we are choosing to strive towards, that remains uncomfortably out of reach? What about events in our lives that cross our paths that we have no option other than to engage in… leaving us feeling jaded.

Consider that being jaded offers us endurance to push through, learn and embrace whatever the task is offering. Sometimes it takes being tired to wake up. When we feel we are reaching a point in our lives that we are still… just cruising along going through the motions… wake up! Take a step back and look at the big picture and experience what life has to offer.

Jaded… when you see crooked but you still walk straight. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy 2012 

Take care of it. Manage it. Embrace it. Feel it. Live it. Share it. Reflect on it.

There is something about time that no body can control… it never stops. Naturally time continues to rule our lives, we have no choice. What we can control is how we use our time. Remember to embrace every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year. How do we choose to use our time? Who do we choose to spend our time with? Where do we spend our time? It might by visiting a special person, place or thing. Is this part of routine or something new? Just think… what do we all do with our time?

Do we make time for ourselves? If the answer is yes… still ask yourself the question is this enough? If the answer is no… consider what choices in your life you can make to create that time. There are some people that make a lot of time in their life for others… what about time for you? Make enough time for yourself or else time will take over.

Do you feel naked without your watch? Think about leaving it a home.